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About Us

Easy shop anywhere in the world with a simple click or tap, easy acces to the lastes information and products. We’re here to make your life easier and better!

Our Story

We started as a small business in our friend’s garage in 2012. We were selling candles and we never tought we’d be here today. In 10 years we managed to hrow our business to over 60+ employees, 4 warehoused, over 50,000+ products sold, and over 32,000+ happy customers. We fight each day for our dream!

Our executive team is made entirely out of people we can 100% count on, even on our darkests days. Our employees come to work with joy and have managed to grow this company more than we would’ve hoped for!

Our Story

We started as a small business in our friend’s garage in 2012. We were selling candles and we never tought we’d be here today. In 10 years we managed to hrow our business to over 60+ employees, 4 warehoused, over 50,000+ products sold, and over 32,000+ happy customers. We fight each day for our dream!

Our executive team is made entirely out of people we can 100% count on, even on our darkests days. Our employees come to work with joy and have managed to grow this company more than we would’ve hoped for!

Happier Kitchens

Our vision was to create kitchenware that combines high performance with premium design.

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